Thursday, 18 October 2012


Resshi is a game brought back from death. It is a video game. This is its initial description:
This is essentially a game idea for a problem-solving based ninja RPG. It has a linear plot, though it has a pearl necklace style to it. You can solve one of several puzzles first, but have to beat every quest to progress to the next level.
You are Resshi, a young apprentice in the Hitokage (shadow) ninja village. Your ninjutsu are based light and shadows, stealth and illusion. While most are required for the completion of the game, a few techniques are bonus for finding secrets or doing optional quests. You are special for a reason initally unknown to you, you are actually the descendant of another order of Ninja, the Fuusou (frost) clan; as a matter of fact the first born child of their clan leader Arashi, given up as part of a surrender treaty from many years ago. The Fuusou clan was decimated by another rival clan, the Gouka (hellfire) clan. Only you and your sister survived. She joined the Araki (wood) clan. You can learn techniques from the shadow, frost, hellfire, and wood clans; giving you a distinct advantage over the other ninja, who only have abilities from 1 class. An outcast Gouka by the name of Zokushi will teach you his clan abilities, though he only knows the simpler techniques.
There are definite barriers and indefinite barriers. Definite barriers require a specific item or ability to get past, while indefinite barriers require a sufficent combination of strength, skill, and persistance to get past; they can include bosses or puzzles.
 Sounds reasonable enough right? I was never happy with it, for a few key reasons
  • The controls seemed clunky - 
    • the Ninjutsu casting system was lacking
    • the way to aim several spells was not clear
    • many of the spells were redundant or unnecessary except that one is more complicated to cast
  • I could never picture it clearly. This is very important. As the sole designer, I should be able to picture the game and all its components and gameplay in order to know how the game is going to turn out. I had no such picture in mind. I was vaguely picturing a 3D rendered world filled with shadowy corners, but I could never come up with a cohesive picture of the game
  • The "Japanese" factor was a bit overkill; most of the names are just things I looked up in the dictionary, and if you've ever played a Japanese game where the characters' names are random English words, you know how awkward that can sound.
I had written the game off as a failure.

Until one day, I got an idea for it; an idea that would ultimately save this project. I was able to come up with a clear picture in my mind for this game.

Rather than making the game 3D, it would actually perform a lot better as a 2D platformer/adventure game. It would vastly simplify the controls and camera (two of the most important factors in any game), and allow for a much cleaner casting system.

Below is the complete "Rewrite" document:

Okay, so I'm taking a second look at this franchise. Basically, downplay the story somewhat, and make it two dimensional. That should simplify the puzzling significantly.

In addition, it will probably play something like a fighting game, using your ninjutsu in combat against your opponents.

Ninjutsu will be broken down into two categories -
  • Simple
  • Advanced

Advanced Ninjutsu use a formal casting system, where you must use a number of seals to cast the spell. They take longer to cast and are more powerful than simple Ninjutsu.
-note that you cannot heal yourself in combat.

Simple Ninjutsu do not use the formal casting system. Instead, they use various combinations of buttons and directions; for example, double jump is a simple Ninjutsu that is used by pressing the jump button while in midair.

You have two vital statistics to watch; your health, and your qi. Health is a measure of your physical well-being, and is indicative of the amount of damage you can take before dying. Qi is a measure of your stamina, and its maximum is based on your current amount of health (usually 10 times). Qi is used for all ninjutsu, and typically more for advanced ninjutsu. Charging up also costs Qi.

Your Qi capacity should be generous, allowing you to fight a battle without having to micromanage it, but should also be something that you wouldn't want to outright waste. This will probably be a tricky balance to strike, but is important to the game.

Charging up increases your movement speed, attack speed, jumping ability, and grants several other abilities based on your ninjutsu. The way I'm thinking of it working now, for each press of the button, it will grant you 0.35 seconds of charge or so, forcing you to concentrate and mash to work up a decent charge or press it while doing other activities (such as running) to enhance them.

Due to the complexity of this game, I'm considering making a "Ninja School" out of necessity, in order to grant players a location to learn their skills and master the finer points of combat. It would never be mandatory, but always available.

Controls (based on the XBOX360 controller)

LB – Advanced Ninjutsu
LT – (simple ninjutsu) Dodge
X – Attack
A – Jump
B – Throwing Attack
Left Stick - Move
  • Left/Right – Move
  • Down – Crouch
  • Up – Press against wall / (simple ninjutsu) Cloak / Interact
  • Click in – Change camera zoom level
D Pad – Quick Items; each direction can be set to a usable item
Right Stick – Free Look
  • Click in – (item) Grappling Hook
RT – Alternate Throw
RB – Grab
Y – Charge Up

Simple Ninjutsu

Name (element if applicable)
Condition – Trigger [Buttons]

Normal - [Dodge]
Your character will dart backwards suddenly, in an effort to dodge an incoming attack. Has a 1.5 second cooldown. Note that this does not dodge shuriken.

Cloak (shadow)
Low Light – [Move: Hold Up]
Renders you invisible. It takes a few seconds to hide. You may tilt the stick to move slowly, but if you tilt it too much, you will be revealed. You will also be revealed if exposed to light, or if you perform actions, such as attacking or using ninjutsu.

Double Jump
Midair, moving upwards – [Jump]
Allows you an additional jump while in midair. You can only use one jump though; until you land on solid ground, you will not be able to jump again. Also note that you can only use the second jump while you are still traveling upwards in the air, not while falling.

Midair – [Attack] + [Down]
Drops straight down in an attack. Doing this from greater heights will deal bonus damage, although there is a limit on the damage.

Assassinate (shadow)
Sneaking, target walks by you – [Attack]
Ambush and kill an unwary target as he walks by you. It takes a few seconds (during which time the target is helpless, L4D hunter style), and can be averted if interrupted.

Take Hostage (shadow)
Sneaking, target walks by you – [Grab]
Ambush and takes hostage as he walks by you. Having the hostage works exactly as the Take Hostage ability below.

Firebolt (fire)
Charged Up – [Throw]
Adds fire damage to your throwing attacks. If you have no ammo, it will still throw, but will only be the (relatively small) bonus fire damage.

Waterwalk (frost)
Walking on water - [Passive]
Allows you to walk on the surface of still water like a platform. You can dive into the water if you wish, in the same manner as dismounting a platform.

Ensnare (wood)
On solid ground – [Down] + [Grab]
Sends out vines to grab the nearest target on the same patch of solid ground as you in the direction you are facing. Takes ~1 second to use; the vines last for ~3 seconds. It can also be used to grab items, and if an item is the closest target, it will grab it and bring it back to you.

Immolation (fire)
Charged Up, have at least 3 seconds of charge – [Passive]
Deals fire damage over time to enemies near you and acts as a light source. Will extinguish when your charge runs out (at 0 seconds left, not 3)

Climb (wood)
Walk into vertical wall – [Move: diagonally-up into wall]
Allows you to climb a vertical surface. This cannot be used while falling, although you may jump into it (you have to be moving upwards rather than downwards). Once attached, you can also use this to climb down as well, and will cling to the wall until you release from it.

Treetop Perch (wood)
Stand in front of tree – [Move: Up]
Allows you to climb up into a tree. You are hidden while up there. Takes a few seconds to climb up, depending on your skill. If you are hit while climbing up or in the tree but not hidden, you will be knocked out of the tree.

Treetop Ambush (wood)
Hidden up a tree – [Throw]
Jumps out the tree and throws a salvo of projectiles. If you are short on projectiles, you will throw a number of seeds equal to the number of shuriken you are short.

Treetop Traverse (wood)
Perched in a tree, another tree is in range – [Move] + [Jump]
Leaps from one tree to the next. While in the air and for a few seconds afterwards, you will not be hidden. Note that if you are hit in midair, you will land on the ground rather than the tree you are aiming for.

Treetop Strafe (wood)
Doing a Treetop Traverse, have shuriken – [Throw]
Throws shuriken downwards as you sail through the air.

Leech Seed (wood)
Normal – [Hold Grab] + [Throw]
Throws a seed which deals very little damage. If it hits, it will restore an equally small amount of your health.

Toss forward
Grabbing an enemy – [Alternate Throw]
Throws the opponent bodily in the direction you are facing. Damage is low, but it can be used tactically to put enemies in a bad situation.

Toss backwards
Grabbing an enemy – [Dodge]
Throws an opponent bodily in the direction opposite to that you are facing. Essentially the same as the forward toss, except opposite in direction, and takes a short time to recover from it (for you).

Take Hostage
[Grab an enemy from behind]
This puts the opponent at your mercy; any incoming missile attacks will hit him first, and you can execute him by pressing the [Attack] button. You will lose the hostage if you get hit from behind though.

Wall Kick
Midair impact with wall while moving upwards – press [Jump] on impact or hold [Jump] while in midair and have [Move] in direction of the wall.
Jumps off a wall; does not restore your double jump, but does not use it up either.

Ledge Hang
Midair impact with ledge – hold [Grab]
Will grab onto the ledge. Once on it, you can use [Move: Up] to climb up to that platform or can use [Jump] to wall kick off of it. Let go of [Grab] to just drop off.

Aim Shuriken
Free-looking – [Throw]
While free-looking, you will get a reticle at the centre of the screen; any shuriken you throw will be aimed at this reticle. This can be used in conjunction with other throwing abilities, such as firebolt.

Aim Throwing
Free-looking – [Alt-Throw]
Like aiming shuiken, you can aim your other throwing attacks as well. They are much more affected by gravity though, and have throwing power to be considered as well.

Controlled Breathing
In poisonous gas – [Passive]
You will automatically resist breathing in poisonous gas as a trained ninja. Note that this takes qi over time, and will not work if you are channeling qi (eg. to use ninjutsu), or if you run out of qi.

Taking damage that would reduce your current Qi – [Passive]
If you are dealt damage that would reduce your current Qi (by reducing your maximum Qi to below your current,) that damage is divided between between your Qi and Health, effectively reducing the amount of damage you will take.

Normal – Hold [Throw], use [Free-look]
Throws a boomerang that will follow a path traced by the free-look. If it hits an object or character, it will return to the thrower before it completes its path. It will not hit or damage any object on its way back. If it hits an item, it will return to the thrower and bring the item back.

Grappling Hook
Free-looking – [Grappling Hook]
Throws a grappling hook that will cling to the first surface it hits. It cannot grip to all surfaces. You will maintain a weak hold on the rope, but will only really grab onto the rope when you press [Grab], and will hold onto the rope until you let go of [Grab]. Once you do, it will disappear after several seconds of non-use. While you are on a rope, if you are hit, you will lose your grip on the rope, although you can regain it by pressing the [Grab] button again quickly.

While on the rope:
  • [Move: Left and Right] – Swing on rope
  • [Move: Up and Down] – Move up and down on rope
  • Let go of [Grab] – Let go of rope
  • [Attack] – Attacks an enemy as you pass by him in the air
  • [Grappling Hook] – Throws an additional grappling hook, you will grab that one instead of the one you are currently on.
  • [Move: Up] – If multiple things that you can grab onto are present, you will grab the other instead.
  • Controls as usual:
    • Free Look, Throw, Alternate Throw
    • Note that anything you throw has a default angle based on your momentum.

Flying Kick
Midair, facing same direction you are moving – Hold [Move: Backwards]
Puts you into a flying kick that will damage anyone you hit. You must hold move in the direction to that opposite to which you are moving/facing. Bonus damage is dealt if you time it so that you press it at the time of impact. If you are still holding the button when you land on solid ground, you will skid to a stop. If you are still holding it and run into something that cannot be kicked, for example a wall, you will take minor damage and stop outright.

Advanced Ninjutsu

Illusions (spectral)
Creates a number of copies of you. They will act on their own. Their stats are based on your own, however, they are much weaker than the original, and only last a limited time. Duration effect.
Each element is slightly different;
  • Frost – can walk on water, regenerate over time and use some special attacks
  • Fire – copies will imitate you rather than act on their own; they deal no damage and die in one hit
  • Wood – has much better stats and duration than average, but only produces one copy
  • Shadow – increases the number of copies, but each dies in one hit

Ice Shield (frost)
Creates a protective shield around you. It has a certain amount of health that drains quickly, expiring when it runs out. Any extra damage that it cannot absorb is dealt to you. This shield is vulnerable to fire, but resistant to frost damage. In addition, it will drain much slower in cold environments. Duration effect.

Silence (frost)
Renders all nearby enemies unable to use advance ninjutsu for a short time after casting. This can interrupt opponents' abilities. Note that it does not affect simple ninjutsu.

Blizzard (frost)
Chills the area and makes it snow. While it is snowing, all frost attacks will deal bonus damage. Has a limited duration. Duration effect.

Wall of Fire (fire)
Sends out a tower of flame in the direction you are facing. It will move quickly and damage any target it hits. It will only continue as far as the platform you are on, and will not work on water. Duration effect.

Barkskin (wood)
Reduces the damage you take by half. Has a limited duration, which is decreased by taking damage, especially fire damage. Duration effect.

Natural Allies (wood)
Summons a host of animals to your aid. Creatures summoned depends on location and level of ability. Creatures will only stay for a limited time, and are more inclined to leave if wounded.

Removes negative effects from you. Does not negate any damage taken, but does dispel any damage over time effects. Note that this cannot be used while silenced.

Fires a healing projectile, which will restore a moderate amount of an ally's health. This can heal enemies as well, so use it carefully.

Shadowken (shadow)
Duplicates one shuriken into many, throwing them off in a spread pattern. Note that once released, they are affected by gravity.

Panther Form (wood)
Turns into a panther. While in this form, you cannot use regular ninjutsu, but have much greater movement speed, jumping ability, and powerful melee attacks, including a tackle attack. The panther has its own control scheme. Duration effect (halved drain).

[Move: left/right, down] – same
[Move: up] – vertical stand
[Jump] – Jump
[Jump] (while crouching) – High Jump
[Jump] while running – Long jump
[Attack] – slash (2 hit combo limit)
[Attack] while running – pounce
[Attack] while crouching – pounce
[Charge Up] – growl
[Grab] – bite, hold for the ability to drag target, will not change direction while dragging
[Grab] + [Alt. Throw] – toss, throws the target a short distance and knocks him over
[Free Look] – same
[Quick Items] - disabled
[Advanced Ninjutsu] – human form

Summon Trees (wood)
Creates several trees in the area surrounding you. It cannot make trees unless there is sufficient solid ground nearby.

Frost Dart (frost)
Fires a projectile that splits after a short time. The particles can split again, the time between splits is randomized. Duration effect.

Thunder palm (fire)
Imbues massive damage into your next attack. Will dispel if it misses or you perform another action with your hand. It should be noted that it makes a great thunderclap sound effect if it hits, and passively has some associated lightning sounds. Duration effect, or lasts until hit.

Piranha School (frost)
Summons a vicious school of fish that will attack any enemies that go into or above the water. Will summon piranhas on all bodies of water on screen. They will jump out at enemies, even if that means definite suicide. They will disperse after a while, swimming off-screen or simply fading away if no way off-screen presents itself. The number of piranhas summoned is proportional to the amount of water on screen.

Barrier (wood)
Creates a wall out of solid ground in front of you. It can block almost all attacks, but is breakable. It will dispel after several seconds. It is vulnerable to fire.

Lightning (fire)
Fires a bolt of lightning out in the direction you are facing. It flies quickly, but does damage over time to anyone who stands in its path. It is also a light source.

Meteor (fire)
Drops a fiery meteor down on your enemies. It takes several seconds before impact, but has an area of effect. Damage varies depending whether the meteor itself hits you or the blast from impact.

Death Fog (shadow)
Creates large amounts of poisonous gas. Also, renders you immune to poison for a few seconds. After that, you are vulnerable to the poison created by Death Fog. Duration and fog density depends on the environment.

Inferno (fire)
Creates large amounts of standing fire. Renders you immune to fire for a few seconds. After that, you are vulnerable to the fires created by Inferno. The duration of the fires will depend on the environment.

Eclipse (shadow)
Robs the world of sunlight for a period of time. This will usually make it much darker, however light sources other than the sun are unaffected. Duration effect.

Flash Step
Moves insanely fast directly forwards, potentially getting behind enemies (or running off a cliff or into a wall). You will turn around at the end of the step, so that you face where you started. Will dodge any shuriken en route, but some other attacks will still hit you. If you hit a wall, you will be stunned and take damage.

Fires a ball of fire which will explode after going a certain distance, or if it hits a target. The explosion will not go as far underwater, and will not pass through solid walls. Targets hit directly will take slightly more damage. Long cooldown.

Iron Boots
Causes you to sink underwater and walk on the bottom like it was a regular platform. It also has the effect of making you walk slowly on land. Duration effect.

Throwing Items
Note that with the exception of shuriken, all throwing items are assumed to have stacks of 4.

Shuriken – a standard throwing weapon, undoubtedly a staple for any ninja. The standard throwing weapon, these never become obsolete. Stacks of 20.

Caltrops (throw) – thrown in clusters, these deal damage to those that walk over them and dissipate after a single hit. They have relatively low damage, but are more for tactical advantage than damaging power.

Flashbang (throw) – when thrown, the flashbang makes a loud noise and bright flash on impact. If someone is hit by this, it will temporarily blind and deafen them. It does a small amount of damage as well.

Poison Grenade (throw) – Creates clouds of poisonous smoke when thrown. Note that you are not immune to the effects of its poison. The poison will dissipate after a while.

Smoke Grenade (throw) – Creates clouds of smoke when thrown. The smoke has the effect of acting like darkness for its area of effect (e.g. you can conceal yourself inside them). Note that the smoke is temporary, and will dissipate after a period of time.

Lockpicks – used to open locked doors, consumable – one used per attempt, stack of 10

Piano Wire – required to take hostages, is consumable – one used per grab, stack of 5

Grappling Hook – can be used to get to otherwise inaccessible areas, consumable – one used per shot, stack of 20

Claws – the shortest reach, but the best attack speed. It can deal lethal damage in a very short amount of time, but getting in range will prove difficult for inexperienced ninjas.

Katana – the katana has a slower attack rate than most weapons, but has the best reach and damage.

Chain and Scythe (kusarigama) – the chain and scythe is unique in that it takes up both your weapon slot and your throwing slot. The mace end of it is thrown which can ensnare an opponent that it hits. The scythe end works like a regular melee weapon.


The in-game HUD should display all relevant information for the player without being too intrusive.

Critical Fields Include:
  • Health
  • Qi
  • Ninjutsu on cooldown (each gets its own icon, disappears once it is available again)
  • Shuriken count (graphically, not numerically)
  • Throwing item / count
  • Utility item count (when applicable)
  • Advanced ninjutsu formulas (when applicable)
Lock Picking Minigame

You will be presented with a series of sound effects that correspond to various button presses in sequence. Once completed, you will have to enter that sequence. If you start entering it too soon, it will stop playing the sequence. If you get the sequence wrong, you will fail and have to try again. If you want to hear the sequence again, you may elect to do so, and it will play from the beginning.

Locked doors will appear with keyholes on them for sides that require them. Often times, this will only be on one side of the door, as it can be unlocked freely from the inside.

Duration Effects

Several of the advanced ninjutsu are described as "Duration Effects". This means that they will last so long as you maintain a charge. Note that this means you cannot use Immolation while using any Duration Effect ability, and cannot use more than one at a time, and do not gain the regular benefits of a charge. Also note that some abilities do not use the regular amount of drain, and will drain your charge either faster or slower than normal.

Effects of Charge

  • Improved movement speed
  • Slightly improved damage
  • Slightly improved attack speed
  • Improved jump height
  • Minor damage resistance


When you are not using Waterwalk or Iron Boots in the water, you will swim around. Swimming is done mainly horizontally; as you naturally float, and therefore mainly traverse along the surface.

While underwater, you will be required to hold your breath (requires qi).

  • [Move: Left & Right] – Swim left and right
  • [Move: Down] – Dive
  • [Move: Up] – Surface
  • [Jump] while underwater – Surface
  • [Jump] on surface – Jump
  • Regular Controls

Overall, I was very happy with the redo. The controls create a comprehensive system of movement, simple enough to be accessible, but powerful enough to pull off incredible things, and able to accommodate a variety of circumstances and puzzles.

The idea of making "simple" ninjutsu was key, as it allowed you to do interesting and tactically important things without breaking the key game flow. The idea that it should control well is crucial to any game.

There are minor things that I have left out, but contained here is basically everything important to the series. Note how I am focussed almost entirely on gameplay; story is minimal, graphic style is almost unmentioned, sound is not adequately described.

This is because I believe video games are primarily about gameplay; the easiest way to ruin an otherwise impeccable game is to introduce either sloppy or unintuitive controls, or have the camera control badly. The reason that Halo did so well is that it controls extremely well. Every other reason is secondary; it was tailor-built to be a great console shooter. But more on that later.


Thursday, 4 October 2012

A Revelation

I have come to realize that there are two types of board games: slow, quiet strategy games (Type A); and loud, fast party games (Type B).

Type A revolve around strategy; they require a certain amount of knowledge of the game to do well at it; they have a lot of strategic depth; the amount of players can vary, but most veterans prefer playing with only 2 players (or 2 static teams) per game; they do not rely on any physical skills; politics among the players is minimal, non-existent, or managed by the rules; chance may play a factor, but strategy is a far greater one.

Type B games are more socially oriented. They are simple to learn, quick to play, and rely heavily on player interaction. The ability to read the players is as important as knowing the rules; they generally favour a large number of players, often requiring at least 3 players. There is usually large amounts of chance involved, mitigated in some way by player interaction.

Many games have properties of both; you end up with a spectrum of games. The purpose of this article is to make you aware of this spectrum, and to induce mindfulness of it into your design ventures. It is also useful  to note when hosting a gaming party, as it allows you to pick the right kind of games for the social atmosphere.

In crowds where lots of the people do not know each other very well, type B games are usually preferable. This is especially true of large groups, or groups including lots of casual or inexperienced gamers. It allows everyone to interact and get to know each other, and allows everyone to have a good time without making a rift between veteran gamers and newbies.

In a group where everyone knows each other, and everyone has at least some experience with gaming, type A games come into play. They are usually what you want to play when you meet regularly, as their depth and variance game to game allows them to remain fresh week to week. They are also often popular when made into computer games when you can find an opponent on the internet (i.e. dominion); as it allows skilled players to come together quickly and conveniently. If you have a dedicated group of 2 to 4 players, you will probably find some Type A games that you really like.

The Spectrum: (a list of my games sorted from A to B, divided into sections)

Super Heavy Games:
These have enough depth to require some amount of experience in order to enjoy it. You can spend years learning all the aspects to it and perfecting your play.
Enthusiasts only:
These are complicated enough to scare away newbies, but very approachable for experienced gamers.
    Middle Ground:
    These are the hybrids, they are fun for new players and veterans alike. These were the most difficult to categorize, but generally speaking, they are very easy to understand and enjoyable for new players and veterans alike.
    Introductory Games:
    These are the right mix of easy to play and socially interactive that tends to appeal to new players.
    Party Games:
    These are games that are incredibly easy to teach, support a large number of players, and involve social interaction in some way. 

    Having presented the spectrum as so, you must ask yourself: where does my game fit into this spectrum? And what type of games do I generally prefer? Such things can make decisions easier for you, as well as tell you about yourself; but more about that later.
